Lean Construction
In recent years, HEBERGER has developed a Lean approach that prioritizes value creation for all project participants. This is achieved through joint, early, and ongoing analysis of processes, their interdependencies, and the required resource allocation.

Why Lean Construction?
Over the years, the complexity and quality demands of construction projects have steadily increased. This is especially true for large-scale turnkey projects, which involve extensive teams and significant performance packages for each project participant. Coordinating the multitude of interfaces and dependencies within the project execution process often proves challenging with traditional methods.
HEBERGER addresses this challenge by implementing the principles of Lean Construction. This management philosophy, originating from the automotive industry, emphasizes the elimination of waste and focuses on customer-oriented and efficient project execution.

How Does Project Execution with Lean Construction Work?
The primary application of the Lean philosophy lies in the construction execution phase. Project-specific takt plans form the basis for coordinating processes, developed collaboratively by the project team at an early stage and continuously optimized throughout the project lifecycle.
Lean Construction fosters a shared understanding of project execution. Emphasis is placed on identifying recurring process sequences to standardize workflows and generate a continuous flow across project areas.
To verify milestone achievements and regularly assess project status, weekly scheduling and interface meetings are conducted with all responsible process owners. Based on the takt plans, performance packages and necessary preparatory work for the upcoming three to four weeks are scheduled with daily precision.
This approach ensures that all stakeholders maintain a transparent overview of the current progress and work collaboratively through constant questioning and adjustments to optimize the project’s trajectory.
The detailed advance planning for the upcoming weeks also provides the foresight needed to allocate resources such as personnel and materials in a timely manner or identify potential bottlenecks early. This contributes to stabilizing the overall project schedule while minimizing last-minute “firefighting” actions.
From the experiences of recent years, it can already be concluded that the principles of Lean Construction contribute significantly to optimizing various processes throughout a construction project.
The insights and successes gained within one project are transferred to new projects as part of a continuous improvement process. Ultimately, all project participants benefit from this value creation.